Dinner made from Passata, Minced Meat, Onion and some herbs - in 30min :)
12/10/20231 min read

You need;
500g ground meat,
1 egg
2-3 spoons of flour,
1 onion
10 spons of oil
1 Big spoon - oregano
1 Big spoon - basil
ab. 1 bottle of passata,
1 canned tomatoes,
1 Big spoon of marjoram or herbes de Provence (or Mixed herbs)
Bouillon for example from cubes - 1 cup (250ml) of poultry or vegetable bouillon needed to add to passata etc.
To make:
1. Mix minced meat with egg and1 finely chopped onion.
2. Season it: 1 small teaspoon of salt, 1 small teaspoon of pepper, 1 large tablespoon of herbes de Provence (Or mixed herbs)
3. Place 3 tablespoons of flour in a small bowl.
4. Make small balls from meat (3-4cm) and roll them in flour.
5. Fry in hot oil (10 Big spoons of oil for 28cm Pan) Fry for 2 minutes on each side. - average cooking burner output. (For example: 4)
6.In separate pot: 1 Passata + 1 Canned tomatoes + Oregano + Basil + 250ml Vegetable Bouillon into the pot. Bring to a boil. Can be thickened - a cup of cold water mixed with 2 tablespoons of flour.
7. Add to it fried balls and cook 20min.
Additions on the plate: Potatoes, Rice or Pasta, salad.